The Dorm Assignment problem can readily be structured for simulated annealing:
The existing HMS system provides us a convenient description of the problem domain: The beds and the students (Figure 1.2). The student data is entered into the system from the application forms manually, and more recently through a trial scanning system.
In the DAO, each rearrangement attempt, or move, is based on
switching a randomly chosen student with the occupant of a randomly
chosen bed (though it may be empty). Available beds are selected directly instead of first
selecting a room and then a bed, eliminating any dependency upon room
capacity. Virtual beds, though nonexistent in physical reality, are
offered as possible temporary alternatives -- amounting to a kind of
waiting list.
who have already been assigned a room by the Housing Reservations
staff or a previous run of the DAO, are considered unmoveable and are
never selected, but their preferences continue to be considered in the
placement process of their roommates.
The objective (cost) function is a sum of per-student error terms. Used to calculate the overall cost, Housing chooses the coefficients for these terms -- an art in itself. As the primary repository of preference and policy choices, this objective function will be the focus of Chapter 2.
To minimize the cost function, five annealing schedules: Algorithmic, table-driven, and three adaptive algorithms, each with its own criteria for reducing temperature and phase and determining completion, were devised and studied for this project. To use simulated annealing effectively to sample the search space efficiently, a good cooling schedule is crucial [EFC98] -- this is the focus of Chapter 3.