Are our random optimization methods better than resource-matched deterministic hillclimbing?
For our deterministic entry, starting with randomized configurations,
using a null entry table-driven scheme, we took the best of five
iterated next-descent hillclimbing rounds (approximately 40 million
total attempts), in both random (mr) and priority order (m) as
described in Section 3.3. The random and priority orders
of iteration did not register any difference.
Pairwise comparisons consistently showed the iterated next-descent
hillclimbing rounds were different than all the randomized methods
tested, except the unminimized table-driven schemes (sa1 &
sigmet1) in all terms, minimized table-driven schemes (sa1/m &
sigmet1/m) in 1999, and the unminimized accept-based adaptive
scheme (sa3) in Fall 2000.
On average, the iterated next-descent hillclimbing scores (m & mr)
were an order of magnitude greater than all the
others, with
wider standard deviations (Tables 4.3 through
4.5), forcing us to conclude our randomized methods
have a distinct advantage over simple hillclimbing.