elena s ackley studio elena s ackley, series one
go-gallery go-originals at-notecards go-purchasing go-contact

n o t e c a r d s

we offer series·one notecards individually, and in sets of four or eight.  choose from:
  · any single card with an envelope, protected by a clear plastic cover.
  · either of these two sets of four cards, with four envelopes in a clear vinyl travel wallet :
first plate
skylight arlsvase
pin chair
second plate
lighting candle
popcorn globe

  · the complete set of eight notecards, one of each image, and nine envelopes in a gift box.  the glossy gray box comes with a gift tag and closes with a silver stretch loop; a removable thumbnail summary is underneath.
the cards :
8 different black and white images
5" x 3½"  folded size, blank inside
4 bar, 70#, Leader Linen Whitewater envelopes
the images :
high quality printed reproductions of series·one photographs taken in 2001
scanned on a Linotype-Hell drum scanner
output to metal plates, four images on each of two plates
printed on a Ryobi 522 on Trulux 12pt C1S card stock
prepress and printing at Ranroy Printers, San Diego, CA (11/01)
go-gallery go-originals at-notecards go-purchasing go-contact